
Минимална сума на инвестицията — 50,0 USD

Управленско възнаграждение 1,0%

Описание на стратегията

Dear clients! 

Please kindly note that our strategy is High Risk FX strategy, 100% consist of FX trading mechanisms.

Having high volatility raised by FX fluctuations, strategy is not applicable for the tight stop losses. 

Initiating tight stop-losses you will be automatically disconnected in case volatility increase and will no manage to get profit. 

Therefore, please kindly asses your risk acceptance profile while deciding to connect to the strategy.  

ПАММ - акаунт мениджър

[ Добив ]
Стратегия Графика на доходността Общо На месец Брой абонати Максимално усвояване Означава Възраст, дни Комисионна Макс. рамо

Dear clients! 

Please kindly note that our strategy is High Risk FX strategy, 100% consist of FX trading mechanisms.

Having high volatility raised by FX fluctuations, strategy is not applicable for the tight stop losses. 

Initiating tight stop-losses you will be automatically disconnected in case volatility increase and will no manage to get profit. 

Therefore, please kindly asses your risk acceptance profile while deciding to connect to the strategy.  

-51,28% -7,59% 1 -13,45% 186,42 USD 996 1,0% 1:100 Инвестирайте
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