Waterstone Financial Inc (WSBF)

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Waterstone Financial Inc. is a holding company of WaterStone Bank SSB (the Bank). WaterStone Bank is a community bank. The Bank conducts its community banking business from approximately 11 banking offices located in Milwaukee, Washington and Waukesha counties, Wisconsin, as well as a loan production office in Minneapolis, Minnesota. The Bank’s loan portfolio includes residential real estate loans, including one-to-sour family loan, multi-family loan and home equity loan; construction and land loans, commercial real estate loans, commercial loans and consumer loan. Its one-to four-family residential mortgage loans have fixed or adjustable rates. Its multi-family real estate loans are secured by properties located in its primary market area. It offers a range of deposit instruments, including checking, savings, money market deposit accounts, and fixed-term certificates of deposit.

Risikowarnung: Der Handel auf den Finanzmärkten ist mit Risiken verbunden. Der Wert der Anlagen kann sowohl steigen als auch fallen, und die Anleger können ihr gesamtes Anlagekapital verlieren. Im Falle eines gehebelten Produkts kann der Verlust höher sein als das ursprünglich investierte Kapital. Ausführliche Informationen über die mit dem Handel an den Finanzmärkten verbundenen Risiken finden Sie in den Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen für die Erbringung von Wertpapierdienstleistungen.