Guangshen Railway Co Ltd (0525)

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Trading terms

Trading hours (UTC)
luni - vineri: 04:31 - 07:00, 08:00 - 11:00


Guangshen Railway Company Limited is engaged in passenger and freight transportation businesses, the Hong Kong Through Train passenger services in cooperation with MTR Corporation Limited (the MTR", and management services for commissioned transportation for other railway companies in China. The Company is also engaged in the provision of integrated services in relation to railway facilities and technology, commercial trading and other industrial businesses. The Company"s businesses include: Passenger Transportation, which is engaged in the operation of passenger trains; Freight transportation, which is engaged in the transportation of cargo; Railway Network Usage and Other Transportation-Related Services Business, which provides railway network and related services, and Other Businesses, which includes train repair, on-board catering services, leasing, sales of materials and supplies, sale of goods and other businesses related to railway transportation.
Avertisment de risc: Tranzacționarea instrumentelor financiare implică un risc semnificativ. Valoarea investițiilor poate scădea și crește, iar investitorii își pot pierde capitalul. În cazul tranzacționării în marjă, pierderile pot depăși semnificativ capitalul investit inițial. Informații detaliate despre riscurile asociate tranzacționării pe piețele financiare pot fi găsite în secțiunea Reguli și condiții generale pentru furnizarea de servicii de investiții