Account Protection
Our company is a member of the Investor Compensation Fund for Customers of Cypriot Investment Firms. The purpose is to secure financial instruments (securities) and monetary funds, transferred by our retail Clients to their Just2Trade accounts with Lime Trading (CY). The Fund secures the non-professional Client’s claims which may arise from failure of the Company to fulfill its obligations to the Client. The applicant may be natural or legal persons, or a union of persons or a group of assets devoid of legal personality.
In cases specified in the Law, if the Company is unable to fulfill its obligations under its Terms and Conditions, retail Clients have a right to receive compensation from the above mentioned Fund.
The maximum amount of compensation paid to applicants, who will be deemed as eligible for compensation, is 20 000 (twenty thousand) EUR. The said coverage applies to the total amount of claims by an applicant against an ICF member, irrespective of the number of accounts, the currency and the place of provision of the service.
Information about Fund’s objects, conditions and procedure of compensation payment by the Fund to the Clients can be found at the Funds’s webpage: https://www.cysec.gov.cy/en-GB/investor-protection/tae/information/
© 2025 Lime Trading (CY) Ltd
Lime Trading (CY) Ltd è autorizzata e regolamentata dalla Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission in conformità alla licenza n.281/15 rilasciata il 25/09/2015. Il marchio "Just2Trade" è di proprietà di LimeTrading (CY) Ltd.
Numero di Registrazione: HE 341520
Indirizzo: Lime Trading (CY) Ltd
Magnum Business Center, Office 4B, Spyrou Kyprianou Avenue 78
Limassol 3076, Cyprus
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Trading sui mercati finanziari comporta dei rischi. Il valore degli investimenti può sia aumentare che diminuire e gli investitori possono perdere tutto il loro capitale investito. Nel caso di un prodotto con effetto leva, la perdita può essere superiore al capitale iniziale investito. Informazioni dettagliate sui rischi associati al trading sui mercati finanziari si trovano nella informativa completa sui rischi.