Allows you to use the borrowed funds of the broker to buy assets at interest. In fact, it is access to leverage that allows you to increase your profits. Typical available leverage is 2: 1, that is, a trader holding $ 500 will be able to buy assets for 1000. The interest rate is determined by the broker, the payments are monthly. In this case, the trader will have to maintain a minimum margin of about 30-35% of the loan amount. If the amount on the account is not enough, the broker can either request an account replenishment or the sale of assets.
© 2025 Lime Trading (CY) Ltd
Lime Trading (CY) Ltd 由塞浦路斯证券交易委员会根据2015年9月25日发布的第281/15号许可证授权和监管。“Just2Trade”商标归LimeTrading(CY)有限公司所有。
注册号码: HE 341520
地址: Lime Trading (CY) Ltd
Magnum Business Center, Office 4B, Spyrou Kyprianou Avenue 78
Limassol 3076, Cyprus
在金融市场上交易存在风险。投资产品可能会升值也可能会贬值,投资者可能会损失所有的本金。在涉及有杠杆的产品时,损失可能会大于初始本金。在金融市场上交易的风险信息可以在此查看 全面风险披露。