WARUNKI STRATEGII PAMM My profit is percent per day


Menedżer — JohanWeiss

Minimalna suma inwestycji — 300 USD

Wynagrodzenie menedżera 10%

Opis strategii

My trading style is day trading. I mainly trade on the Forex market within a day, i.e. the opening and closing of transactions takes place during the trading session. This style reduces risks and tension. I bargain for several hours a day.

PAMM menedżera JohanWeiss

[Rentowność ]
Strategia Grafik rentowności Ogółem W miesiąc Liczba subskrybentów Maksymalne obsunięcie kapitału Fundusze Wiek, dni Prowizja
Doctor Watson
-99,71% 0,00% 0 -99,86% 0,00 USD 617 35% 1:200 Inwestować
My profit is percent per day

My trading style is day trading. I mainly trade on the Forex market within a day, i.e. the opening and closing of transactions takes place during the trading session. This style reduces risks and tension. I bargain for several hours a day.

-99,83% 0,00% 0 -99,88% 0,00 USD 908 10% 1:200 Inwestować
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